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Student Voice

Student Learning Team

This is a group of students who volunteer to voice their opinions in light of their experiences as learners. It is a focus group of students who participate in lively discussions about how they learn and ways in which we can make learning as engaging as possible for students.

In recent times, students have worked on our new Learning Code and around how to incentivise positive behaviour and to commend and reward students for living out our core values.

Student Support Team

This is a group of students from different year groups who work together to review our Anti-bullying policy and procedures. They conduct surveys on students and gather student voice on how we can make the school a safer place. They ensure that our Anti-bullying procedures are student friendly and easy to understand.

Student Wellbeing Team

These are students who work with the Chaplain in various areas, eg, Restorative Practice, to offer opportunities to students to take care of themselves and to have positive relationships with staff and eachother.

Student Health & Safety Representative

This is a senior student who is involved with the Staff Safety Representative to ensure that any issues are reported to the Safety Committee and are resolved.